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Anyone who thinks the papacies of John Paul II and Benedict XVI where 'holding firm' against modernity has been drinking too much of the George Weigel brand of 'JP2 we love you' kool-aid.

Neither of these men deserve to be classed among the 'great' popes. Not even close. John Paul II's papacy taught a generation of Catholics to attack with catchy but vacuous slogans like 'Culture of Death' and 'New Evangelization' and not much else (some of) the evils of the world while sweeping the terrible evils that were taking place in the Church under the rug. Theodore McCarrick as Cardinal Archbishop of Washington D.C. anyone?

From the Regensburg address to Summorum Pontificum Benedict XVI, God rest his soul, was excellent at seeming to make a courageous statement on a controversial issue - and then immediately walking it back almost before the words were out of his mouth.

The table was set for the disasters that have occurred during this papacy long ago.

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