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I don't disagree with what has been written here, including the problem created by the Bishops of not addressing it earlier. My concern is that as between Biden and Trump there is a chasm of basic decency. Biden's stance on abortion is indefensible. Trump's views and actions on virtually every issue are indefensible. However, in this particular election not voting or voting third party in swing states equates to a vote for Trump. The margin between the two candidates is razor thin. It's a difficult conundrum, but one that must be addressed prayerfully. Trump's one redeeming act as president was to appoint conservatives to the Supreme Court. Sadly, when Roe was overturned, the pro-life movement was not ready to step into the breach and give people a reasoned path toward the elimination of all forms of intentional killing of innocent babies. Trump does what is best for himself in every situation. He has been very clear about what he wants to do in a second term. We need to take that into account. I pray the Holy Spirt will bring us to the correct answers.

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