Sorry my friends but for the guys who hold the positions of power in the Vatican this has nothing to do with empirical evidence. It is one hundred percent about politics, power, and imposing their will on church institutions.

And just for the record I would really love to meet that 1% of TLM attendees who think abortion should be legal in all cases...

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Wait…? You haven’t met the random, wackadoodle contrarian TLMer (your-mileage-on-redundancy-may-vary) who believes in UFOs, that the Wuhan virus was spread by crop dusters? I think that subset may be closer to 3%

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“There is some truth to the conventional wisdom that they tend to be politically conservative. Of the 446 respondents in our survey who attend the Traditional Latin Mass at least once per year, 77% of them lean Republican.”

-“Attend once per year”??????

What’s going on with your data that you would set the threshold so low?

-It would almost appear as if you are conflating one half of a two party political system with a poorly defined set of beliefs that people call “conservative.”

From a liberal mindset that makes sense. From a conservative mindset that doesn’t.

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