Sitemap - 2023 - What We Need Now

The “Mass” in “Christmas”

Papal Power and the Obedience of the Faithful

The Man of God Is a Man for Others

A Muddled Report for a Messy Synod

That They Might Have Life

The Religion of the Day

The Age of Confessors: Maximus the Confessor and the Problem of Gender Ideology

The Vatican Does Not Understand the Church in the United States

Dealing with Anti-Catholicism

"Wild Christianity" and Why We Need It

Who Are We? Where Are We Going?

The Genius of Woman

Synodality, Soteriology, and “Sharing the journey”

My Father Gives Me Bread: What the LGBTQ Community Needs from the Church

Have American Catholics Rejected Vatican II?

Love-in-Truth: Accompanying Those Suffering Gender Dysphoria

Jesus the Way and Synodality

Evangelization in an Age of Unbelief

Christ at the Center

Inside the USCCB

Rising to Today’s Challenges

Discipline and Doctrine: Law in the Service of Truth and Love

Writings by Jayd Henricks

This Treasure We Have: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition

Thoughts on Catholic Higher Education and Culture

“That They May Be One”: A Sacramental-Ecclesial Approach to Eucharistic Revival

Synodality within a Liberal World

The Reasonableness and Beauty of the Teaching of Humanae Vitae

Notes on the Prince of This World: The Devil Is Real. Deal with It.

The Gift of Joseph Ratzinger

The Genius of Man

Going about the Business of Becoming a Saint

Rubicon and Its Consequences

Ten Theological Principles from the Benedict XVI Treasury

Is the Church in Decline Because It Won’t Get with the Times?

A Return to the Kerygma: The Path to Renewal

Believe, so that you may understand: Fides et Ratio at 25

Thoughts on Today's Upheaval and Its Implications

Ambiguity and Clarity in the Age of Synodality

The Importance of Doctrine

The Great Departure

‘The Splendor of Truth,’ and Why It Still Matters

Other Reform Ideas

What We Need Now